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 Adding fields to Multi-Asset (MULTIASSETLOCCI) table to view on a work order

  • Administration
  • Work Management
Tim Pratt's profile image
Tim Pratt posted 03-31-2021 14:39
Hi all, application designer novice here. I am attempting to add a few fields to the standard view of the Multi Asset, Location, CI table that is displayed on a work order. I want to Add 'ASSETTAG' from the Asset object and another user created field called 'Area Served' (B_AREASERVED) is the attribute we added to the asset object for this purpose. 

I know there is some combination of crossover domain, database configuration attribute creation, and database configuration relationship that I need to do, but so far my efforts have not resulted in success. I have:

Created a Crossover domain called Assettag2Multi (screenshot attached)

Created an Attribute on the MULTIASSETLOCCI object called Asset Tag (screenshot attached)

Created a relationship called ASSETTAG on the same object (screenshot attached)

After all this I added a table column on the work order view of the Multi Asset table and tied it to the Asset Tag attribute I created, but no values will populate into this field. I know the assets that I have defined have asset tags, because the information hover over icon displays the asset tag. That is not a workable solution for me as I need to produce a report based on the Asset Tag value.

Any help for a Maximo administration novice would be greatly appreciated.
Matt McGuire's profile image
Matt McGuire

Hi @Tim Pratt

Try adding the crossover domain to the ASSETNUM attribute instead of the ASSETTAG you created. The where clause in your domain is validating on ASSETNUM, not ASSETTAG.

Let me know if that helps!



Travis Herron's profile image
Travis Herron

It doesn't sound like you needed crossovers or custom fields. If you only want them to appear in WOTRACK, all you need to do is go to Application Designer, open the WOTRACK design, move to the table control where the MULTIASSETLOCCI table resides, and drag in a control (Table Column control for the summary row, Textbox control in the row details section).  Configure it so the attribute is, for example, ASSET.ASSETTAG.  If you want your users to be able to change the value of the Asset Tag right here in Work Order Tracking, you're done.  However, I'd guess you just want them to see it, so make the input mode on your controls Read-Only.

If the field you want is in the table you're already working with, you would just make the Attribute for your control to be that field's (attribute's) name.  When it's not, as is the case here, just name the attribute with <RELATIONSHIP_NAME>.attribute_name.  And you can keep adding relationships if you need to keep hopping to other tables, like if for some reason you needed to get the asset number for the parent asset of the Asset in the MULTIASSETLOCCI table, you could do ASSET.ASSET_PARENT.ASSETNUM.

If you do the crossover domain and cross that data into your custom field, that would also work, but it's more effort; and, if you want the user to be able to update the value of Asset Tag, the change they make in WOTRACK would not affect the source ASSET record.  You copied it, and changed the copy, but not the original.
Tim Pratt's profile image
Tim Pratt
Travis and Matt, thanks for the assist here! I went with the approach from Travis as it seemed like the simplest to implement and allowed for editing of the related fields that would be reflected in both tables. I seemed to have jumped directly to the most complicated possible solution out of the gate.