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  • 1.  Error in Syncing with data from ERP system

    Posted 04-01-2021 06:42
    Edited by Harshavardhan Kamepalli 04-01-2021 06:45
      |   view attached
    Hi All,
    We have a functionality requirement to Sync data between Maximo and ERP(Oracle) system for Person details.
    For this we have written Automation script that gets details from the REST service exposed from the ERP system.
    It was working fine until today. The problem is, the data does not get synced and when we try to insert data manually, it returns error.
    Error Code: 'BMXAA4210E - Database error number -10 has occurred. Invalid SQL queries are logged in the log file. Check the SQL query to identify the error.'

    Please check the log File attached.
    Any help here is appreciated.
    P.S: No changes were made in the script and ERP recently, they are as is before when working fine.

    Harshavardhan Kamepalli
    Eidiko System Integrators


    location insert eroor.txt   7 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: Error in Syncing with data from ERP system

    Posted 04-02-2021 08:52
    Did you look for additional entries in the logs around that time? If the Maximo system hasn't been configured to log to an alternate location, it would be in the SystemOut or SystemErr logs of WebSphere. Typically you get more helpful messages around the query, such as the exact query trying to be executed and the more platform friendly error message that Oracle returns (starts with ORA). 

    I'm not personally familiar with database error -10 and a quick Google search didn't help for Oracle nor DB2. You mentioned the ERP is Oracle, so I assumed Oracle for Maximo but matching platforms isn't required.

    Steven Shull
    Projetech Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Error in Syncing with data from ERP system

    Posted 04-05-2021 02:43
    Edited by Harshavardhan Kamepalli 04-05-2021 02:44
    Actually, what we did was, Execute java code from Eclipse IDE to get fields from the ERP and deployed it on Eclipse tomcat server and expose the REST API url.
    Then we consumed this URL in the Maximo automation scripting to get the data and insert it in the respective maximo fields.
    What I noticed was, the script we gave to the client worked fine but when the Issue raised from the client and checked the script it was different from what we gave them before. 
    This is the Script we gave to the client.
    from import JSONObject,JSONArray
    from import BufferedReader, IOException, InputStreamReader
    from java.lang import System, Class, String, StringBuffer
    from java.nio.charset import Charset
    from java.util import Date, Properties, List, ArrayList
    from org.apache.commons.codec.binary import Base64
    from org.apache.http import HttpEntity, HttpResponse, HttpVersion
    from org.apache.http.client import ClientProtocolException, HttpClient
    from org.apache.http.client.entity import UrlEncodedFormEntity
    #from org.apache.http.client.methods import HttpPost
    from org.apache.http.client.methods import HttpGet
    from org.apache.http.entity import StringEntity
    from org.apache.http.impl.client import DefaultHttpClient
    from org.apache.http.message import BasicNameValuePair
    from org.apache.http.params import BasicHttpParams, HttpParams, HttpProtocolParamBean
    from psdi.mbo import Mbo, MboRemote, MboSet, MboSetRemote
    from import UserInfo
    from psdi.server import MXServer
    from psdi.mbo import MboConstants
    from psdi.mbo import Mbo
    from sys import *
    uri ='http://IPADDRESS:PORT/GetEMPDetails/getPerson'
     # get http parameters
    params = BasicHttpParams()
    paramsBean = HttpProtocolParamBean(params)
    # get client, http headers and request
    client = DefaultHttpClient()
    request = HttpGet(uri)
    #request.addHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
    # get client response
    response = client.execute(request)
    status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()
    obj = JSONArray.parse(response.getEntity().getContent())
    print obj
    def updateperson(userid, supervisor,location,pos,depart,site):
    mxServer = MXServer.getMXServer()
    userInfo = mxServer.getSystemUserInfo()
    personSet = mxServer.getMboSet("PERSON",userInfo)
    personSet.setWhere("TRIM('0' from employeeid) = '"+userid+"' fetch first row only")
     if personSet.count()>0:
    personSet.getMbo(0).setValue("SUPERVISOR", supervisor)
      if len(site)>0:
    personSet.getMbo(0).setValue("LOCATIONSITE", site)
       print "In save eidiko"+userid
       print "error occured "
    if status == 200:
    errorkey = 'successs'
    errorgroup = 'successs'    
    errorkey = status
    errorgroup = status
    for x in obj :
     sup = x.get("supervisorEmpId")
    empidPer = x.get("emp_ID")
     pos = x.get("position")
     depart = x.get("location")
    ld = x.get("locationId")
    p_number = x.get("pr_Number")        
     #Get Supervisor Personid
    sup_pid =''
     if len(sup)>0:
    mxServer = MXServer.getMXServer()
    userInfo = mxServer.getSystemUserInfo()
    personSet = mxServer.getMboSet("PERSON",userInfo)
    personSet.setWhere("TRIM('0' from employeeid) = '"+sup+"' fetch first row only")
      if personSet.count()>0:
    sup_pid = personSet.getMbo (0).getString('personid')
       print "In personseteidiko"+sup_pid
     #Get Site Id From Location ID
     if len(ld)>0:
    locationSet = mxServer.getMboSet("LOCATIONS",userInfo)
    locationSet.setWhere("BRANCH_CODE = '"+ld+"'")
      if locationSet.count()>0:
    siteid = locationSet.getMbo (0).getString("SITEID")
    locationid = locationSet.getMbo (0).getString("LOCATION") 
       print "In locationseteidiko"+locationid
     if len(empidPer)>0: 
    This is modified code by the Client:
    from import JSONObject,JSONArray
    from import BufferedReader, IOException, InputStreamReader
    from java.lang import System, Class, String, StringBuffer
    from java.nio.charset import Charset
    from java.util import Date, Properties, List, ArrayList
    from org.apache.commons.codec.binary import Base64
    from org.apache.http import HttpEntity, HttpResponse, HttpVersion
    from org.apache.http.client import ClientProtocolException, HttpClient
    from org.apache.http.client.entity import UrlEncodedFormEntity
    #from org.apache.http.client.methods import HttpPost
    from org.apache.http.client.methods import HttpGet
    from org.apache.http.entity import StringEntity
    from org.apache.http.impl.client import DefaultHttpClient
    from org.apache.http.message import BasicNameValuePair
    from org.apache.http.params import BasicHttpParams, HttpParams, HttpProtocolParamBean
    from psdi.mbo import Mbo, MboRemote, MboSet, MboSetRemote
    from import UserInfo
    from psdi.server import MXServer
    from sys import *
    uri ='http://IPADDRESS:PORT/GetEMPDetails/getPerson'
     # get http parameters
    params = BasicHttpParams()
    paramsBean = HttpProtocolParamBean(params)
    # get client, http headers and request
    client = DefaultHttpClient()
    request = HttpGet(uri)
    #request.addHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
    # get client response
    response = client.execute(request)
    status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()
    obj = JSONArray.parse(response.getEntity().getContent())
    print obj
    if status == 200:
      errorkey = 'successs'
      errorgroup = 'successs'    
      errorkey = status
      errorgroup = status
    mxserver = MXServer.getMXServer()
    user_info = mxserver.getSystemUserInfo()
    conn_key = user_info.getConnectionKey()
    conn = mbo.getMboServer().getDBConnection(conn_key)
    stmt = conn.createStatement()
    for x in obj :
        sup = x.get("supervisorEmpId")
        empidPer = x.get("emp_ID")
        pos = x.get("position")
        depart = x.get("location")
        ld = x.get("locationId")
        p_number = x.get("pr_Number")  	
        query = "update PERSON set SUPERVISOR=(select personid from person where TRIM('0' from employeeid) ='"+sup+"' fetch first row only),TITLE ='"+pos+"',DEPARTMENT='"+depart+"'   where TRIM('0' from employeeid) ='"+empidPer+"'"    
        results = stmt.executeUpdate(query)     
        #get Location
        #locationSet = mxserver.getMboSet('LOCATIONS',user_info)
        #locationSet.setWhere("Location = '"+ld+"'")
        #location = locationSet.getMbo(0)
        #locationdata = location.getString('Location')
        #print 'loc',locationdata	
        #get Person	
        personSet = mxserver.getMboSet('PERSON',user_info)
        personSet.setWhere("employeeid = '"+empidPer+"'")
        person = personSet.getMbo(0)    
    I think, the SQL implementation in the modified script is causing the issue.
    What are you thoughts Steve?

    Harshavardhan Kamepalli
    Eidiko System Integrators

  • 4.  RE: Error in Syncing with data from ERP system

    Posted 04-02-2021 08:53
    I would get your network folks involved.  Sounds like something may have changed like a connectivity setting, perhaps a port setting.  Do some content tracing make sure both systems are talking to each other.  I have had this same thing happen in the past and it always seem to be something changed on the network side that I didn't know about.

    Brian Swanson
    Herman Miller

  • 5.  RE: Error in Syncing with data from ERP system

    Posted 04-05-2021 02:36
    Thought that but I could access the REST API when hit from the browser. 
    Anyways, I'll ask them to look into the issue once from their prospective.

    Harshavardhan Kamepalli
    Eidiko System Integrators