I recently created an Automation Script to verify if the currently opened PR had a value in a related field on the Companies table. I normally just create a variable in the script to pull in dot notation values like this:
In my script I can create a variable on the SITEID easily:
from psdi.mbo import MboConstants
from psdi.server import MXServer
# Set variable to current SITEID record field value
PR_SITEID = mbo.getString("SITEID")
# Do comparison of variables set to trigger alert
if PR_OUNAME is None and PR_SITEID in ['ACME_CO', 'ACME_INC']:
warngroup = "PR"
warnkey = "null_vendor_ouw"
elif PR_OUNAME is None and PR_SITEID not in ['ACME_CO', 'ACME_INC']:
errorgroup = "PR"
errorkey = "null_vendor_oue"
print 'record ok'
How can I create a variable for "PR_OUNAME" within the Automation Script for the dotted notation value, without having to add the variable in the variable rows?
Jason Verly