Thanks for your reply and list of things to check. We have made some configuration changes, like adding fields, but have no customizations that change any Java classes. Early on we did have a consultant help us with installation, configuration, data import, etc. I was involved in most of the process and don't recall changes that would have caused this. We had an add-on from the consultant, but were not using it, and the new EARs were built without it. I don't see anything related in Actions or automation scripts.
In Database Configuration, WORKORDER object, LOCATION attribute, the lookup map has no rows, as expected.
The domain for this attribute is LOC2WO, a crossover domain LOCATION=:LOCATION AND SITEID=:SITEID.
I changed it to LOCATIONCROSSCI and applied the configuration changes. It's still querying and returning the locationsid.
ASSET is using LOC2ASSET, which is a crossover, location=:location and siteid=:siteid. I changed it to LOCATIONCROSSCI here too.
The class for the LOCATION attribute from WORKORDER is, and from ASSET it's We do have the Transportation add-on, and I have seen it referenced on other attribute classes.
I have also exported WOTRACK, ASSET, and System XML and searched these for locationsid, with nothing found.
In there were no errors.
In the error started to appear (same server and database)
In 7.6.1 the error also appears, it's a newer 2016 server with WAS 9, only the database was upgraded. I may be able to get help from IBM on this version. All of the things I tried above were on 7.6.1.
In the past we attempted to install either FP or .5, and now I am certain it was the same issue, although at that time it looked like some kind of corrupted index.
We are using an integration table for work orders taken to the field, but not for assets.
I think my next step is to dig through the fix pack logs on the server and see if I find any clues. Because the issue exists in the new 7.6.1 server, it must be something in the database causing the error.
Tim Bratcher
Sweetwater Authority
Original Message:
Sent: 10-13-2020 08:29
From: Steven Shull
Subject: Location Selection Returns LOCATIONSID, not LOCATION Value
I can't think of a situation where this would occur out of the box and it's even more strange to me that it's happening on both WORKORDER & ASSET. Off the top of my head, in order to control the mapping when a user types the value the mapping would have to be done via java classes, automation script (retrieve list launch point), crossover domain, or the maxlookupmap. It's also possible that it's not related to the mapping, and just invoking some logic on the attribute changing. If so you'd need to validate Action & Validation attribute launch points as well from an automation script perspective.
I can't think of why someone would change the maxlookupmap but you can see that in Database Configuration. If you open the WORKORDER object and filter for the location attribute and use the pencil icon next to the location attribute you'll see a dialog popup with the lookup map for that attribute. This out of box should be empty for this attribute.
Secondly would be to look at the domain associated on the field in database configuration. Out of box on WORKORDER it should be LOCATIONCROSSCI which just crosses the CINUM from locations. If you see something referencing locationsid that could be the issue.
Third is I would look at the java class referenced on that attribute in database configuration. Assuming you don't have industry solutions/add-ons, it should be If this is something custom I would review that code.
Fourth is the automation script retrieve list. This wasn't available in 7.5, so it would have to have been something added after you upgraded which would be odd. Look for all launch points that reference the WORKORDER object & LOCATION attribute (since it could also be caused by an action/validate launch point).
Steven Shull
Original Message:
Sent: 10-12-2020 20:32
From: Tim Bratcher
Subject: Location Selection Returns LOCATIONSID, not LOCATION Value
Upgraded to, then 7.6.1 on another system. From WO Tracking and from Assets, when attempting to type in or select a location value, the system always returns the LOCATIONSID, not the LOCATION value. Sometimes this works, if it happens to find an ID that matches a value, because some locations are just numbers, like 1234, which is incorrect. Most of the time there is an error stating something like, "BMXAA2661E - Location 23,069 is not a valid location" when selecting a value. When typing in a value the error is "The entered value Z20-PRV1 is not a valid integer value" but it's configured as UPPER, not integer.
I can see the SQL command when it queries the database, and it is asking for the LOCATIONSID, not LOCATION. I believe this is something in the database, since it is happening on a new 7.6 system, which is newer code, but where the database was upgraded. I keep checking in the Application Designer, and in the Database Configuration, but have not found anything yet. I have a working system, where this issue does not occur, for comparison.