Another option that you may want to consider - if the Work Orders utilizing these "high volume tasks" Job Plans can be categorized under the same Work Type - would be to turn off capturing the Work Order Status changes for just this Work Type. This allows the system to bypass inserting a new WOSTATUS record for the 250+ Task Work Orders when you preform your status change. This may be where you are seeing the performance impact.
If needed, you could create a new Work Type to place them under especially if these are "PM" Work Orders, and you want to capture this for the other Work Orders that don't have as many Job Plan tasks. Maybe a Work Type of "PMHV" to Indicate PM Work Orders with "high volume" tasking. This might impact some of your existing queries/reports with the addition of a new Work Type, but it sounds like these Work Orders might already fall into their own analysis reference point.
If you go to the Organizations Application and Select the "Work Order Options > Work Type" Action under the More Actions listing, you will see in the last column where you can de-select this option for each Work Type where you do not wish to capture the Work Order Task WOSTATUS History.
This might give you another viable solution for your issue.
Steve Platt
Georgia Building Authority
Original Message:
Sent: 12-04-2023 08:43
From: James Robb
Subject: Work Order with Job Plan - status change taking excessively long
One thing to consider when unchecking the PARENTCHGSSTATUS checkbox is the amount of orphan work orders created. You will need to implement a plan to close these orphans with an escalation, automation script, or SQL script. Otherwise you have several hundred open work orders open for each parent work order. Another solution would be to have the technician close the tasks as they are completed if they have this capability(mobile).
All these open task work orders are still displayed when you go to Activities and Tasks and will need addressed.
James Robb
Original Message:
Sent: 12-01-2023 12:48
From: Alex Cross
Subject: Work Order with Job Plan - status change taking excessively long
Thanks for your help Manu, much appreciated, have passed this on to the team for testing.
In your experience, how long would you expect changing a single WO's status (with a job plan with a few hundred tasks - with PARENTCHGSSTATUS unchecked) to take?
Appreciate many elements factor into this, but interested to hear a rough guideline on what others are experiencing with their setup.
Alex Cross
Original Message:
Sent: 12-01-2023 11:19
From: Manu Maganti
Subject: Work Order with Job Plan - status change taking excessively long
Check this field on the tasks.
Field: | | Inherit Status Changes |
Specifies whether the work order's status will change when its parent work order's status changes. If the check box is selected (the default), the work order's status will change as its parent's status changes. If the check box is cleared, the work order's status will be independent of its parent's status. |
Manu Maganti
Original Message:
Sent: 12-01-2023 10:21
From: Alex Cross
Subject: Work Order with Job Plan - status change taking excessively long
Hi everyone,
First post here!
Working on an implementation - Maximo Version: V7611-365
Come across the need for job plans with a high volume tasks.
Found that any work order with a job plan which has ~250 tasks is taking around 2 minutes to change the associated WO's status.
As expected, job plans with even more tasks taking considerably longer.
Has anyone ever experienced this / know of the underlying cause / fix?
Appreciate that each task effectively becomes another WO, within the WO... however the time taken is effectively making the solution unusable.
Alex Cross