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Member Count: 4,000+ and growing every day!

MORE provides a space for users to find resources and discuss the complexities of Maximo software with peers and experts.

Top 5 Reasons to Join MORE:

1. Access to Certified Maximo Experts: have a Maximo question? Need advice? Simply post and get answers!

2. Maximo Resource Library: browse all the resources we have compiled from leading Maximo experts. Maximo 7.6 online trainings included!

3. Maximo Focused: this community is monitored and will only allow educational resources to be posted. No sales pitches or other related IoT solutions.

4. Never Miss an Event: browse all the upcoming Maximo-related events/webinars in one single list.

5. MORE Advantage: with a large network of certified experts, we are constantly looking for the best resource to answer questions being posted!