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  • 1.  Add/Modify button image file extension change

    Posted 01-11-2024 12:25
    Hello All,
    I previously submitted a question about this but not in the Discussion format so resubmitting.
    When using the Add/Modify Image button in Item Master it states that the only acceptable file type is .jpg or .gif.
    When changing the file extensions in the database, this only affects attachments, but not the Add/Modify button.
    I was informed that the above file extensions for the Add/Modify button are not editable in Maximo.  
    Is there a reason it is only open to these 2 image types?
    Is there a way to request to IBM that this be something that can be changed? 
    This affects add images because you either have to take a live picture or convert the saved image to a new file extension to be able to be uploaded.
    Thank you


    Danny Richardson
    Technimark LLC

  • 2.  RE: Add/Modify button image file extension change

    Posted 01-11-2024 17:33

    I think the answer is we wanted to make sure it was broadly acceptable standard, so we put in a list of file types that we supported since we try to display it. Attachments will download and don't need to be viewable in the application like IMGLIB does. For example, when apple first developed their heic standard it was not available on Windows. Then it was available as an optional extension (meaning it could work for some users and not others) before eventually being installed by default. If someone had uploaded a heic image it could lead to support issues that had nothing really to do with our product. 

    That being said, why we don't support some standards like png which is globally accepted is unknown to me and would be a good example of something we should be able to support. I would come up with a list of image types that you think we should accept and then request an enhancement on our ideas portal: . Since this list is hardcoded in some of our java class events like the uploadimage event in the SystemEventHandler, there's not really a good way for a customer to extend this.

    Steven Shull