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Any Glossary for Maximo Terms in Business Language and Not in Technical Language

  • 1.  Any Glossary for Maximo Terms in Business Language and Not in Technical Language

    Posted 11-10-2023 11:40

    Hello Everyone,

    Often when working with Organizations, who have not used Maximo, most of you would have found issues on terms used by business and Maximo teams.

    For example, business may call there parks or buildings as an "Asset" but Maximo does not.

    My question is... does any one have a glossary of terms developed, which I can leverage and build on top of it and may be share here again, which lists common terms used by business and their definition in Maximo.

    I came across an IBM page:

    But if you read definitions in this, they are not in simple language that anyone can understand or in Layman's terms.

    Take the definition of "Asset" there. It reads "A manageable object that is either deployed or intended to be deployed in an operational environment.".

    For argument sake, one can say it is simple. But many of the operations users. for example, would get confused with this definition.

    I am aiming to have a simple list for business users which gives very simple definitions of common terms used in Maximo which also says example. For example it says what is an Asset and what is not an Asset but is a Location in Maximo terms.

    If someone has some thing, please share with me and we can work on enhancing it and may be bring it back and share with everyone here, which I am sure will help everyone...

    Looking forward for replies and suggestions and guidance


    Farhanullah Qureshi