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  • 1.  Create a SQL report in the Maximo automation script and send it as an attached .xml file via email.

    Posted 29 days ago
    Edited by Christopher Winston 27 days ago
    Hello, I would like to share a way to create reports using Maximo automation scripts and send them as an .xls or .txt file attachment by email. Thanks
    In this example, an SQL query returns a list of users who have borrowed tools from the warehouse.
    In this metod is possible to define more rules to generate a report and send considerating another criteria.
    from psdi.server import MXServer
    from psdi.mbo import SqlFormat 
    def getSqlReport(): #Get the report by SQL 
    	conKey = MXServer.getMXServer().getSystemUserInfo().getConnectionKey()
    	con = MXServer.getMXServer().getDBManager().getConnection(conKey)
    	s = con.createStatement()
    	q1 =  u"select storeloc as WAREHOUSE, description as TOOL, issueto as USERID from matusetrans where quantity < 0 and issueid is null" 
    	rs1 = s.executeQuery(q1)
    	resultList = []
    	metaData = rs1.getMetaData()
    	columnCount = metaData.getColumnCount()
    		row = {}
    		for i in range(1, columnCount + 1):
    			columnName = metaData.getColumnName(i)
    			row[columnName] = rs1.getString(columnName)
    	return resultList
    def buildAttatchment(report): #Build the body of attatchment
    	head = 'WAREHOUSE\tTOOL\tUSERID\n'
    	rows = len(report)
    	row = 0
    	body = ''
    	while row < rows:
    		body += report[row]['WAREHOUSE']
    		body += '\t'
    		body += report[row]['TOOL']
    		body += '\t'
    		body += report[row]['USERID']
    		body += '\n'
    		row += 1
    	return head + body
    mailTo = ''
    mailFrom = ''
    mailSubj = 'Tools awaiting return.'
    mailBody = 'Tools awaiting return.'
    fileBody = buildAttatchment(getSqlReport())
    fileName = 'attatchmentName.xls'
    # Just as it is possible to build a .txt, .csv, ... file.
    MXServer.getMXServer().sendEMail(mailTo, mailFrom, mailSubj, mailBody, fileBody, fileName)


    Aurelio Daniel Moura
    Business analyst and Product owner at Coamo

  • 2.  RE: Create a SQL report in the Maximo automation script and send it as an attached .xml file via email.

    Posted 28 days ago

    We have done this creating a .pdf and saving the report as an attachment. To get there, we started with the information at the following link:

    Be sure to look at the comments, as one of the posters took it to the next step and used a comm template to send the attachment.

    Sid Ogden

  • 3.  RE: Create a SQL report in the Maximo automation script and send it as an attached .xml file via email.

    Posted 27 days ago


    Here is a library that I wrote that does exactly what you are asking.  You just need to pass in the ResultSet and it will create an Excel file and email it to a recipient.

    There is full documentation, examples and source code included.



    Jason VenHuizen