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  • 1.  Handling Multi-Craft/Multi-Step Work Orders

    Posted 11-13-2023 09:23

    If you have a job, like a leaky pipe in a wall, the work order that is created needs to be passed from the plumber to the carpenters, to the painters for completion of the work.

    Currently we rely on the Craft Supervisors to reassign the work order to the next craft in line. What happens at times is that the work order gets completed by the plumbers, and ends up in the accounting work flow before it should be.

    What is a good practice or method of creating a work order that would use tasks or children work order that would be relatively automatic, or easy to initiate?


    Bob Kraus
    Missouri S&T

  • 2.  RE: Handling Multi-Craft/Multi-Step Work Orders

    Posted 11-15-2023 01:39

    Hi @Bob Kraus,

    Tasks and job plans would be the easiest way to achieve your desired goals. You can also consider using predecessors and checking the flow control flag on the work order/tasks so that the following task in the sequence will automatically change to an in-progress status when a previous task is completed.

    If you're looking for recurring work, you can set up a PM, assign a job plan, and schedule it. You can generate a work order with approved status, and the assigned crew/labour can start working on it.

    Here are some starting points to learn more about these two applications.

    Maycon Belfort
    BPD Zenith

  • 3.  RE: Handling Multi-Craft/Multi-Step Work Orders

    Posted 11-16-2023 08:52

    For my client (DC Water), we often shifted work orders between crafts.  I developed a workflow to automatically route the work orders between the craft.  The mechanical technician would be presented a question similar to the effect, "Which craft has the responsibility to perform the next task?"  The options were, of course, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Instrumentation, etc.  Based upon the answer, the work order was automatically routed and reassigned to the appropriate person group to be reassigned by the group supervisor. 

    Darrell Thomas
    Maximo Principal Consultant