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 Receiving and Invoicing - Impact on Work Order Costs

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Eric Godel's profile image
Eric Godel posted 08-16-2022 15:56
Good Afternoon Community.  Please help me understand why Maximo is coming up with these work order costs.  Here are the steps to replicate running IFIX20220506-1004

1. Create a work order and approve the work order.
2. Create a PO and add a line, material or Item associate the work order, and approve the PO value 10,000.
3. Receive this item on the PO.
4. Return this item on the PO.
5. Revise the PO changing the line item costs, and approve the revision new value 5000.
6. Receive the item on the PO.
7. Create an invoice, select the PO, copy the PO line and change status to Paid.

On my work order I see 4 Material use transactions with these Issue types.  
ISSUE: 10,000
RETURN: -10,000
ISSUE: 5,000
INVOICE: -5,000

View Work Order Costs shows 0.

Now consider these steps. 

1. Create a work order and approve the work order.
2. Create a PO and add a line, material or Item associate the work order, and approve the PO value 10,000.
3. Receive this item on the PO.
4. Void Receipt of this item on the PO.
5. Revise the PO changing the line item costs, and approve the revision new value 5000.
6. Receive the item on the PO.
7. Create an invoice, select the PO, copy the PO line and change status to Paid.

On my work order I see 3 Material use transactions.  
ISSUE: 10,000
ISSUE: 5,000

View Work Order Costs shows 5,000.

Why is Maximo calculating my costs as such.  Why does Maximo create an extra INVOICE type material transaction for my work order that I will never receive, and therefore sets my work order costs to 0?  What is Maximo expecting me to do with the extra $5000 from my first revision of the PO that I returned instead of voided?  Is this an IBM bug or any type of Known Issue?

Thanks for your help.

Julio Hernandez's profile image
Julio Hernandez Best Answer
Hi Eric,

In Step 7 for the first scenario, you said "Copy the PO Line".  When you copy a PO Line rather than a specific Receipt, Maximo is deciding which Receipt should be matched.  I'm assuming it picked the first Receipt for $10,000 and since the Invoice was for $5,000, it created an INVOICE MatUseTrans to adjust for the variance between the Received Cost and the Invoiced Cost.  If you had picked all 3 Receipts (the 2 RECEIPT and the 1 RETURN) to match to the Invoice everything should have been fine.  If you had picked the RECEIPT for $5,000, no additional INVOICE record but you would still have 2 unInvoiced Receipts left on the PO.

In the second scenario, you Voided the original Receipt which puts the MatRecTransID of the original Receipt in the ReceiptRef column on the VOIDRECEIPT record.  The process that automatically matches the Invoice to a Receipt when a PO Line, rather than a Receipt, is copied ignores VOIDRECEIPT transactions as well as Receipts whose MatRecTransIDs are the ReceiptRef on a VOIDRECEIPT.  Therefore, there was only 1 Receipt available to match and it was the one for $5,000.

I normally move the "PO Lines" tab on the "Copy from PO Lines" dialog to the far right so that the "Materials" tab shows by default.

Hope that helps.
Eric Godel's profile image
Eric Godel

Thank you, yes this seems to be what my issue is, only relying on the PO lines from my PO instead of selecting all of the lines from the materials tab.

The question now is, how do I go about fixing my work orders with the bad costs?  When I create a new invoice in order to invoice the other 2 material lines that were not on the previous invoice, I did not get material transactions that fix my costs to what I expect them to be.

Thanks again,
Julio Hernandez's profile image
Julio Hernandez

If you create a new $0 Invoice, you should see the RECEIPT for $5,000 and the RETURN for -$10,000 on the "Materials" tab of the "Copy PO Lines" dialog.  Is that not the case for you?  If you see them and select them and then approve the Invoice, it should generate another INVOICE record for $5,000, which should correct the cost on your WO.
Eric Godel's profile image
Eric Godel

I've been playing around in Invoices today and I see that I can use the action to Reverse Invoice.  This will allow me to back out the bad invoice I created that invoiced the wrong lines.  I was then able to create a new invoice and properly invoice the correct lines via the materials tab, and my work order costs are now calculating correctly.

I do feel like IBM should change the code to find the proper received line though.  Do you know if there is a reason they are doing it this way?  

I just spoke to my business analysts and they are now realizing how their actuals are wrong on a lot of work orders, and its going to be a lot of work to fix them. They were happy, and yet frustrated that I have brought this to their attention.

Thanks so much for your knowledge on this.


Julio Hernandez's profile image
Julio Hernandez
Hi Eric,

You didn't answer my question.  Were you not seeing RECEIPT for $5,000 and the RETURN for -$10,000 on the "Materials" tab of the "Copy PO Lines" dialog?

The Invoice Reversal feature is dangerous, particularly if the Invoice has already been sent to your AP system to be paid, and may have already been paid.  Processing $0 Invoices to correct the costs within Maximo would be the preferred approach to avoid impacting AP (assuming your interface to AP ignores $0 Invoices).

In regard to your question about why IBM doesn't change "the code to find the proper received line", how would you expect it to know which one is the "proper" one?  Your example is extreme but someone could have a Receipt for $5,000 and another for $5,050 and an Invoice comes in for $5,025.  I believe (but would need to verify) that it is picking the first/oldest un-invoiced receipt, which sounds like what it did in your example.
Eric Godel's profile image
Eric Godel
HI Julio,

Sorry I skipped right to what I had done to fix the invoice which was the revesral and didn't answer your question.  The first time through, I created a new invoice, and I did go to the materials tab and saw my Receipt for 5000 and my return for -10000.  After I selected these and set the status of the invoice to paid, it did not add any new invoice transactions to correct my costs.  Maybe I did not refresh my record, I'm going to try it again and see what it does.
Eric Godel's profile image
Eric Godel
I may be missing a step, i did not see a change, but my problem may be that i did not create a $0 invoice.  How do you create the $0 invoice?  Do I add my 2 lines, the receipt 5000, return -10000, and set the unit cost to 0 for both lines?

Julio Hernandez's profile image
Julio Hernandez
You need to "Approve" the Invoice for it to generated the necessary transactions.   I don't think the PAID Status really does anything.  It is mainly intended to support interfaces back from AP to indicate that the Invoice has been paid.  I didn't think it would allow you to change an unapproved Invoice to PAID Status.  If it does, you should remove the Security Option that allows the change to PAID from all Security Groups.