Maximo Open Forum

  • 1.  Restricting work order status to "change work order" dialog for cloned work order app

    Posted 04-25-2023 19:08


    We have a unique requirement of hiding a few work order status values from the cloned work order tracking app (please note that they don't want to it globally - but only for the cloned work order tracking app).

    Previously I handled this using a custom java class for example:

    In that class I did the following:

    public class LBLWOChangeStatusBean extends psdi.webclient.beans.workorder.WOChangeStatusBean
       public MboSetRemote getList(int nRow, String attribute)
                    throws MXException, RemoteException
              String strAppname=this.sessionContext.getCurrentApp().getApp();    
              if (strAppname.equalsIgnoreCase("WOTRACK") ||
                           MboSetRemote currentList=super.getList(nRow,attribute);

    Now based on the criteria specified by the user, I filtered the contents of "currentList" and returned the "currentList" to "getList" method.
                            return currentList; 

    We are now in the cloud and our cloud provider may not like us to have any java customizations.

    Any clue/hint or advice on accomplishing the same using the automation script or anything similar?

    Please help.


    Pankaj Bhide
    Berkeley National Laboratory

  • 2.  RE: Restricting work order status to "change work order" dialog for cloned work order app

    Posted 04-26-2023 08:23

    Hi Pankaj,

    Have you tried to achieve the same by adding condition into WOSTATUS synonym domain value?
    I think you can create condition and manage the visibility of the required statuses by associating that condition to the WOSTATUS synonym values. For example, if you don't want to show some specific status values (like WSCH..) in the cloned app, then you can create a condition to only show those status (WSCH here) in the OOB app by using the appname='WOTRACK' in your where Clause. Once you do this, WSCH will be visible only in OOB WOTRACK app, not in cloned app.

    Subhransu Sekhar Sahoo
    Tata Consultancy Services

  • 3.  RE: Restricting work order status to "change work order" dialog for cloned work order app

    Posted 04-26-2023 08:56


    Upon browsing a few KB articles and forums, I think I found the solution.

    Although I haven't tried that yet. However using one of the bind variables and with the conditional expression, I will be able to address this requirement.
    If I run into any issues, I will reach out to you.

    Thanks anyway.


    Pankaj Bhide
    Berkeley National Laboratory

  • 4.  RE: Restricting work order status to "change work order" dialog for cloned work order app

    Posted 04-26-2023 09:04

    The condition approach tied to domain values that Subhransu mentions is what most customers use to filter statuses. You're trying to get a condition to evaluate to true when you want it to be displayed. If you have multiple conditions we'll stop evaluating as soon as we get a match (all do not need to evaluate to true for the record). And you want these to be efficient conditions so use substitution variables like :&APPNAME& as much as possible. We try to evaluate the condition in memory when possible, then query dummy_table, then query the underlying table. If your condition is like wonum='1234' we'd try to evaluate in memory and fail, then query dummy_table which will fail because there is no wonum column on the table, then we'll query the table (workorder) like select count(*) from workorder where wonum='1234'. 

    I bring this up because I've seen people screw this up and do something like siteid='BEDFORD' and worktype='PM' instead of :siteid='BEDFORD' and :worktype='PM'. This results in a very different query because we will query to see if any record in the database has a site of BEDFORD and a work type of PM. We won't be confirming that the current record has those things. 

    For this specific scenario, also remember :&APPNAME& will NOT always be set. Think mobile applications, integrations (including REST API like work centers), etc. Make sure you handle null/empty strings as well.

    You could use a retrieve list automation script on the WOCHANGESTATUS.STATUS attribute but it would take over all logic. You can't just use to filter values after the fact which makes it not a good choice. 

    In the latest MAS release we've added some hooks for automation scripts to interact with bean class events. I haven't had a chance to test it and it's not documented yet (it'll get posted here when it is) but it could possibly solve this in the future when you get to that release. 

    Steven Shull

  • 5.  RE: Restricting work order status to "change work order" dialog for cloned work order app

    Posted 04-26-2023 09:59
    Thanks Subhransu and Steve for your replies.