Hi Steve,
Thanks for your reply. We have identified through Migration Manager one script was migrated to SCRIPTLAUNCHPOINT bject without having AUTOSCRIPT entry . We have dropped those and now we are able to access application.
Thanks for your help!
Pradeep Rout
Original Message:
Sent: 04-02-2024 19:17
From: Steven Shull
Subject: Application not loading BMXAA7840E- An error occurred when loading the script launch point cache:
The time I've seen issues like this is when my launch point object or attribute is invalid. For example, if I had an attribute called WORKORDER.CUSTOMFIELD and I had an automation script on that attribute and later decided to remove the attribute, that is when I saw the error. I would look for situations like that where you don't see something in the MAXOBJECT and/or MAXATTRIBUTE tables.
If that doesn't help, if you can share the relevant stack trace I can try to correlate it more specifically.
Steven Shull
Original Message:
Sent: 04-02-2024 15:52
From: Pradeep Rout
Subject: Application not loading BMXAA7840E- An error occurred when loading the script launch point cache:
Application not loading. BMXAA7840E- An error occurred when loading the script launch point cache . with java null trace
This is the only active error getting logged on server when we reboot the server.I have disabled all the active scripts from AUTOSCRIPT and SCRIPTLAUNCHPOINT and but still application is not loading. It specifically talks about launch point cahe. Does anyone you have any idea how to clear this launch point cache. I have also tried by setting ADMINSTART to ON as that may disable all the listeners cron and auto script. Nothing helped.
Pradeep Rout