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  • 1.  Customise List tab queries for Asset application

    Posted 04-02-2024 17:41
    Edited by Aayushi Beohar 04-03-2024 05:37

    Hi , I have a requirement to display only active asset records when user search an asset using unit number by default.  If no active asset records are present for that unit number we have to display moved status asset records followed by decommissioned records for same unit number searched. Kindly let me know the query I can write for this .Also please let me know where can we write this queries to customize list tab display. 


    Aayushi Beohar

  • 2.  RE: Customise List tab queries for Asset application

    Posted 04-02-2024 18:30

    Hi Aayushi,

    I want to pick on the words 'search any asset using unit number'.   This means that the user us actively looking for the asset.  So it's not about the order of the list display, rather providing the correct information to the user.

    Using the screenshot, you can see that the status is not provided.  So, it's not unusual to extend this lookup to add the extra information.

    This change to 30 seconds to do.

    Craig Kokay
    Principal Consultant


  • 3.  RE: Customise List tab queries for Asset application

    Posted 04-03-2024 05:47


    Thanks for the reply. But my bad it's not any but when user tries to search an asset record using find unit number lookup , list view display all the status records for it which confuses the user. So they want to see only active asset records for an unit number,  if not present then they want to see moved followed by decommissioned status record. So how do we customize query to display in list view tab ?

    Aayushi Beohar

  • 4.  RE: Customise List tab queries for Asset application

    Posted 04-03-2024 19:40

    Hi Aayushi,

    I think I need to get some terms settled as I'm the one confused at the moment.

    • Unit number = asset number?
    • Unit number lookup = Using the Select Value option on the asset field?????
    • display all the status records = ?????

    Are you really asking, how to customise the Asset list tab?  At the moment, it shows this:

    and now with the status column added:

    There is no need to do what your asking.  How does the user get confused.  Can you post a screenshot of an example that has confused a user.

    Craig Kokay
    Principal Consultant


  • 5.  RE: Customise List tab queries for Asset application

    Posted 04-03-2024 15:42

    Hi @Aayushi Beohar!

    Is this what you are looking for? You must, in addition to defining the ID, add another filter which would be the status (ACTIVE value). Tell me if it's something else you're looking for, please.


    Martin Fabra
    ARSAT S.A. - Actively seeking employment