Implement a Sustainable Steam Trap Management Program

When:  Oct 12, 2021 from 13:00 to 14:00 (ET)

A steam trap is a device used to discharge condensate with little to negligible loss of costly live steam.  Steam trap management is an essential component of any comprehensive energy management program in a facility that uses steam.  The key component of a steam trap management program is the steam trap survey.  Effective management involves much more than the survey itself. The survey identifies problems and possible improvements; the program corrects the problems and executes the improvements. Several factors illustrate the benefits of a typical program and can serve as motivators and justification for implementing a program to manage steam traps:  leaking steam costs; reduced CO2 emissions; equipment operation impacts; maintenance costs; and personnel safety.

This presentation will provide details on The Pennsylvania State University’s steam trap management program covering topics on setting up surveys, performing steam trap inspections and automatically planning corrective repairs for failed steam traps that are ready for scheduling and execution.

Speaker: Bill Steudler, Penn State



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