Asset Performance Management: Eliminate risk in your enterprise with AI-driven insights

When:  Nov 17, 2021 from 12:00 to 13:00 (ET)

Enterprises are often faced with the challenge of balancing costs with risk and performance. To cut costs, and improve margins, clients trade off potential unplanned downtime, lack of spare parts, additional labor and increased risk. On the opposite end of the spectrum, clients that spend more to decrease risk, may over maintain equipment, carry excess inventory, increase staff and even keep extra assets.  Maximo Health and Maximo Predict help to overcome this challenge by utilizing data (both IT and OT) to provide insights into the current and future state of the assets.

Join us for a discussion on how Maximo Health and Maximo Predict use advanced analytics and AI to  help engineers and planners make better decisions.  We’ll demonstrate how a Reliability Engineer can use Health and Predict to identify assets that require attention, investigate those assets, and take actions to reduce risk in the enterprise.

Michael Desabris
Maximo APM Product Manager
John Douglas
Senior Product Manager, Maximo Predict
Jim Crosskey
Principal Product Manager, Maximo Application Suite

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