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 Maximo Mobile Custom Domain Look UP translation not happening from Role Based Tech APP

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Pradeep Rout's profile image
Pradeep Rout posted 04-03-2024 09:24

Hello All,

We are facing an issue in Role Based application tech APP where while working on workorder we have a custom field with custom domain association. The lookup values are translating properly with Base language English. But when we change our login and enter as a non english language the translations are not happening. We have already added those translation labels-pt.json localization value bit want to understand what key value we need to enter if the data is in workorder details scree.

We are using something like :

"pgzpb_lilly_text": "Ordens de serviço Ativas da Minha Tripulação",
  "rnbyui_lilly_label": "Número de Referência",
  "toleranceLookup_lookup-heading": "Tipo",
  "papaerrecordLookup_lookup-heading": "Tipo",
  "ToleranceLillyB4_placeholder": "Selecione um tipo",



Biswaranjan Biswaranjan's profile image
Biswaranjan Biswaranjan

Hello All - I am also facing same issue. 

