Hi Bob, You can use the global restrictions to make the object readonly with a specific condition for those users. Regards
You May do it using MXLoader easily using object structure for APPLICATIONAUTH object and create a group and grant READ option to ALL applications(as needed) by listing details in sheet GROUPNAME, APP, OPTIONNAME GROUPXX , APPNAME , READ
I am using Maximo 7.6.1. I was wondering if there was a quick and easy way of making the entire application suite Read-Only for specific users. Mainly, I want them to be able to log in and query but not be able to change anything. Thanks In Advance.
When you hit the trashcan icon, you are probably seeing a message: BMXAA1872E - A material issue/return transaction cannot be deleted. You can negate the transaction by creating a new transaction to 'Return' the inventory to the storeroom, or return the material. If ti is a storeroom item, then...
I have a question regarding IBM Maximo and would appreciate your assistance. Specifically, I need to delete a record in the Materials tab under Actuals, which is currently in the Completed status. Could you kindly advise on how I should proceed?
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