Thank you so much Jason, this is what i was looking for. I really appreciate your help
Hi Shirley This one has stumped me as I'm not able to even understand what it is you're after, Maximo has an in-built ability to develop a query using either the filter fields on the list tab or from the fields on the advanced search. In both cases, it will only work on the fields present on...
I threw together this "List to String" web page for myself earlier this year, and I use it almost daily. It sounds like it might be what you're looking for. Paste your list in the top, say what you want to use to prefix, suffix and separate each item in the list, and hit the button. When you hit...
Hi @Shirley Castaneto I just wanna share my analysis i also think and tried to build a app where we can select the attribute and which make the query automatically as there its in IBM TRIRIGA but i am unsuccessful since Maximo where clause only fetch the current object data and we can extend it...
Okay, thank you Christopher :)
I am not sure about the 'all' option you seek, but I would try the advanced search, which allows you to use the user interface to pick records for your where clause. You can then run the query and edit the clause.
Hello, I would like some help and I hope that I'm speaking the correct Maximo language. I was wondering if anyone has a Query Builder/Converter tool. Example: added all our assets, pms, JP's etc. in one field, and another field, the tool would convert it to a Maximo Query where you can paste...
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