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  • 1.  App points required for Service accounts in MAS?

    Posted 12-09-2024 17:11

    I have a client who uses a lot of service accounts in their on-prem 7.6 instance. 4 service accounts for a single integration, one for each of their orgs, and they are adding a fifth. They want to know if this is going to cost them App points in MAS. Thoughts?


    Kevin Egge
    Cohesive Group

  • 2.  RE: App points required for Service accounts in MAS?

    Posted 12-13-2024 08:59

    Further information on the use of the service accounts and the integration they are supporting is required to provide accurate information. This should be directed to their IBM rep who can work with the customer to explain what (if any) licensing requirements are required. 

    Steven Shull