thank you for reply me,
Allow me to explain more:
The customer wants to determine the standard ِaction group in Risk Assessment Application associated with the assets, Meaning each asset has Standard Action Group, He wants to determine by assets rather than the standard action group in risk assessment.
my steps Solve This issue (But the final solution was not reached);
1. Add New Field in Asset Application, use Domain take value from Std Act Grp (In this case, there is no problem)
2. my Suggest - (In this case, there is problem)
2.1 Add New filed (AssetNum) in Dialogue Select Std Act Grp, then used crossover domain take (STDACTGRPNUM) from Asset App to this (STDACTGRPNUM) Select Std Act Grp (diagloue) but this Field not Action (Doesn't read well) but value assign to it, and button ok not read the value!
See the Screenshot.
2.2 I also tried Automation Script Assign value to STDACTGRPNUM in Select Std Act Grp (diagloue) but this Field not Action (Doesn't read well) but value assign to it, and button ok not read the value!
2.3 Also tried New Domain for this field "STDACTGRPNUM" from Asset Table Also this Field not Action (Doesn't read well), but value assign to it, and button ok not read the value!
Do any Ideas solve this issue?
Abdelrahman Elwakeel
Original Message:
Sent: 09-27-2022 11:13
From: Prashant Sharma
Subject: Assign value in new attribute to filed in dialog (init)
Hello - I am not sure what exactly you are trying to do but looks like you want Asset app's attribute to be cross over but then you says about relationship b/w 2 different risk assessment table? If you just want to show the value then you need to create relationship b/w Asset and Risk Assessment Table involved isn't it?
If you want to store the value then what crossover domain can be used or you can write automation script as well.
Prashant Sharma
Sedin Technologies
Connect with me @
#IBM Champion 2022
Original Message:
Sent: 09-25-2022 11:51
From: Abdelrahman Elwakeel
Subject: Assign value in new attribute to filed in dialog (init)
Hi all,
I want assign value from field (new attribute; which is use from tie asset application via crossover domain ) Standard Action Group in risk Assessment application to field select Action Group dialog.
I created relationship between risk Assessment (table: PLUSGRISKASSESS) and select Action Group (table: PLUSGSELECTSTDACTGRP)
but there not read any value field from risk Assessment app.
How use it? how assign from other table into dialog (whether Initialize Value or button action launch point)?
Abdelrahman Elwakeel