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Characteristic Measurements Not Visible in Asset After Inspection Form Completion

  • 1.  Characteristic Measurements Not Visible in Asset After Inspection Form Completion

    Posted 3 days ago

    Hello everyone,

    I created an inspection form in a work order, added a measurement group to the asset, and filled out the form. After completion, I checked the asset's measurement history, but only GAUGE measurements (numeric values) appeared. Characteristic measurements (predefined values from a domain list) were missing.

    Checking the ASSETMETER table, I found that LASTREADING is empty for characteristic meters. However, the values exist in INSPFIELDRESULT.

    Why aren't characteristic measurements updating in ASSETMETER? Is there a missing configuration, or should I use a different approach to make these values visible in the UI?

    Any help is appreciated!


    Matis Dovydas