There is a "Change Status" Action Type that should be used for changing status. Using SETVALUE may appear to work, but because it doesn't call the right code, history will not be properly recorded, and etc.
Jason Uppenborn
Original Message:
Sent: 04-06-2023 01:51
From: Prashant Sharma
Subject: Check box on Job Plan to Mark Completed Tasks
as Chris has said, already there is a functionality available to change the status for each task but it required multiple clicks so you can do the following-
1. Hide the change status button.
2. Create new button/checknox for Task Completion, create an action to SETVALUE the Status to COMP on WOACTIVITY object, or write an action script.
Prashant Sharma
Sedin Technologies
Connect with me @
#IBM Champion 2022
#IBM Champion 2023
Original Message:
Sent: 04-05-2023 09:52
From: Laurie Bearden
Subject: Check box on Job Plan to Mark Completed Tasks
Good morning,
I was curious if it's possible to add a check box in the job plan so the technician can mark a task as completed? We want to ensure that systems are being shut down and then brought back up, primarily for electrical work orders.
Laurie Bearden