@Kevin Egolf Were you able to find the issue with these LABOR records? I am reviewing similar records in our Maximo instance, and wondering how to track down anomalies on LABOR records that don't behave as expected. Is modify availability on the PERSON record required whenever the calendar is changed?
Thank you for any help - i recognize this post is a few years old
Julia Cole
St. Louis MSD
Julia Cole
Metropolitan St.Louis Sewer District
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2021 12:09
From: Kevin Egolf
Subject: Labor availability in Assignment Manager
I did check that and there are no modifications to the calendar. The negative hours follow the same pattern regardless of the dates selected which seems to eliminate a spot change to the availability. This only seems to affect two of the labor records.
Kevin Egolf
Director Asset Management Programs
TechOp Solutions International
Cell: 571-344-3221

Original Message:
Sent: 9/9/2021 11:35:00 AM
From: Christopher Winston
Subject: RE: Labor availability in Assignment Manager
Did you check the person record to see of the work dates were modified? Action would be Modify Person Availability.

this would cause the strange view in Assignment Manager where no work assignments are present:

Christopher Winston
Projetech Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2021 09:46
From: Kevin Egolf
Subject: Labor availability in Assignment Manager
I am working with assignment manager and have some labor codes that show negative available hours with no assignments. When I change the calendar associate with the labor code the negative available hours change based on the work hours on the calendar. When the same calendar is applied to other labor codes the available hours are correct. It does not seem to mater what date range I select the pattern remains the same. When I select view assignments the window shows none. It appears that somewhere there are assignments or something affecting the available hours. I have looked at the assignment table and do not see any entries for the affected labor codes. Any suggestions on where to look?
Kevin Egolf