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  • 1.  Lock out Tag out

    Posted 23 days ago
    Edited by Laurie Bearden 23 days ago

    I have created lock out tag out procedures at the asset level and generated a work order as a test, but the work order doesn't adopt the procedures from the asset or show the procedures on the printed version.  Does anyone know how to get the procedures to populate on the work order?  

    Thank you for your help!


    Laurie Bearden
    Analytical Mechanics Association

  • 2.  RE: Lock out Tag out

    Posted 22 days ago

    Hi Laurie,

    This can be accomplished by creating a safety plan and associating the asset with the LOTO, then associating the safety plan to the work order. You can also associate the safety plan to a job plan in the work assets tab, then associate the job plan to a work order with the asset/LOTO. Admittedly, setting this up for multiple assets is a bit effort intensive. Maximo help does explain the steps fairly well. Here is a link from the 7.6 help files and MAS


    Steve Norris