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  • 1.  MAS- Meter Reading Entry

    Posted 10 days ago

    Wondering if anyone is creating PM's having Job Plan tasks that allow for meter readings to be added  right on the task (required)  before the task can be completed? It does not work on our mobile app. Is it just functionality we currently do not have? We have created the meters, added them to the Job Plan, but the technician does not see a choice to enter anything.


    David Pattengale

  • 2.  RE: MAS- Meter Reading Entry

    Posted 8 days ago

    Hi David,

    So, you have assigned a meter to a job plan, which has then been linked to a PM that has then been generated into a work order, and you do not see a place on the task on the resulting work order.

    My question is "does that meter on the task also exist on the asset, that is on the task?"  Typically, the asset on the task is the same as the parent work order, but it may not be if you are using a route that puts the route stops as tasks.

    As long as the meter is on the asset, you will have a place to enter the meter reading. Please note that only the gauge and characteristic meters can be used on a task. For the continuous meters, you either have to use a task instruction to give directions to the user or use an inspection form.

    Craig Kokay
    Principal Consultant


  • 3.  RE: MAS- Meter Reading Entry

    Posted 8 days ago

    Thank you for responding Craig. We do have the meters connected; they are on the assets we are working on. In desktop Maximo it all looks perfect. We reached out to our hosting company. about this. From everything I have read it should work, so it has to be that it is not turned on in our tablet setup. We have also tried doing this whole process using inspection forms, but the customer does not like having to navigate to a different app to enter readings using the form. Wish that worked better, I like the inspection forms. Thanks again, I will post when I find out about the tablet app. 

    David Pattengale