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  • 1.  Maximo mobile application attahment error

    Posted 06-29-2022 04:07
    Hello there,
    We have a mobile application written in Android studio. The application works with Maximo web services. We are getting an error when adding attachments on the work orders page in the mobile application. When we examined the Maximo logs, I saw that we got the following error. What could be the cause of this error? What can be done to fix the error?

    Error unmarshaling return; nested exception is:

           psdi.util.MXException; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 8631638876202809140, local class serialVersionUID = 9221457957008478725

    [6/22/22 16:37:34:378 TRT] 00000169 SystemErr    


    Aliriza Canakci
    Is Merkezleri Yönetim ve İşletim A.S

  • 2.  RE: Maximo mobile application attahment error

    Posted 07-08-2022 01:56
    We solved the unmarshall error. When Maximo put the businessobject.jar file back in the folder where the mobile application is located, the problem was resolved. The file does not appear in the Workorder attachments. But when we checked the relevant folder, I saw that the file was uploaded. When I checked the system error log, I saw that we got the following error. Which one in the doclink or docinfo table the length of the field exceeds the maximum limit ?
    I look forward to your help on the matter.

    Note: Even though I gave the file name as test, it changes the name to b67db31313a047f0b605cee34781c2d6.jpg.

    --- ownerid : 18107101
    --- mboSet : WORKORDER
    --- ownerid : 18107101
    --- doctype : Attachments
    --- defaultFilePath : C:/doclinks/Attachments
    --- fileDescription : Test
    --- fileName : b67db31313a047f0b605cee34781c2d6.jpg
    --- file.length : 4407672

    [7/7/22 16:06:35:153 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R addWorkOrderAttachment4Encoded STEP 1 : 18107101
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:153 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R addWorkOrderAttachment4Encoded STEP 2 : 18107101
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:154 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R addWorkOrderAttachment4Encoded STEP 2.1 : 18107101
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:154 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R addWorkOrderAttachment4Encoded STEP 2.2 : 18107101
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:175 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R addWorkOrderAttachment4Encoded STEP 2.3 : 18107101
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:180 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R FileEncoder.addFile4DocLinks STEP 1...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:180 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R FileEncoder.addFile4DocLinks STEP 2...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:180 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R FileEncoder.addFile4DocLinks STEP 5...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:182 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R FileEncoder.addFile4DocLinks STEP 6...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:182 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R FileEncoder.addFile4DocLinks STEP 7...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:182 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R FileEncoder.addFile4DocLinks STEP 8...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:183 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R FileEncoder.addFile4DocLinks STEP 9...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:295 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R FileEncoder.addFile4DocLinks STEP 10...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:295 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R FileEncoder.addFile4DocLinks STEP 1...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:299 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R DocUtil.setDoc STEP 1...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:339 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R DocUtil.setDoc STEP 2...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:342 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R DocUtil.setDoc STEP 3...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:361 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R DocUtil.setDoc STEP 4...
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R DocUtil.setDoc STEP 7... Error : system#maximumlength
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R psdi.util.MXApplicationException: system#maximumlength
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at psdi.util.MaxTypeALN.checkLength(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at psdi.util.MaxTypeUPPER.setValue(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at psdi.mbo.MboValue._setValue(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at psdi.mbo.MboValue.setValue(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at psdi.mbo.Mbo.setValue(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at psdi.mbo.Mbo.setValue(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor104.invoke(Unknown Source)
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:437 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport.handleMessages(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ConnectionHandler.run0(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ConnectionHandler.lambda$run$0(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ConnectionHandler$$Lambda$28/ Source)
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.exceptionReceivedFromServer(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at Source)
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:438 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.invoke(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor$
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor.handleMessage(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at org.apache.cxf.transport.ChainInitiationObserver.onMessage(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at org.apache.cxf.transport.http.AbstractHTTPDestination.invoke(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:439 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:440 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:441 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:441 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at$SSLReadCompletedCallback.complete(
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:441 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:441 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:441 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:441 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:441 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:441 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:441 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at$
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:441 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R at$
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:444 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R addWorkOrderAttachment4Encoded STEP 2.8 : 18107101
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:444 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R addWorkOrderAttachment4Encoded STEP 2.12 : 18107101
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:444 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R addWorkOrderAttachment4Encoded STEP 3 : 18107101
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:444 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R addWorkOrderAttachment4Encoded STEP 6 : 18107101
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:444 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R addWorkOrderAttachment4Encoded STEP 8 : 18107101
    [7/7/22 16:06:35:458 TRT] 000049c2 SystemErr R addWorkOrderAttachment4Encoded STEP 9 : 18107101

    Aliriza Canakci
    Is Merkezleri Yönetim ve İşletim A.S