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  • 1.  Requiring an attachment on Create Requisition or Purchase Requisition.

    Posted 3 days ago

    Hello MORE community,  I was requested by one of our sites to see if we can require an attachment to be uploaded in order to be able to create a requisition in Create Requisition or Purchase Requisition.  Would anyone have any suggestions on how to do that?

    Automation script to verify the org and if there is an attachment when the button is clicked?

    Or is there a way with workflows?

    Or perhaps there's another simpler way that I don't know about?

    Thank you for any ideas.


    Danny Richardson
    Maximo Administrator Manager
    Technimark LLC

  • 2.  RE: Requiring an attachment on Create Requisition or Purchase Requisition.

    Posted 2 days ago

    Danny, here is how I have checked for attachments in workflow... if there are no attachments then I use an interaction node to provide a warning to the user.

    <font color=red>Warning</font> - You must attach a quote before you can submit your request

    Stephen Hume
    Sheffield Scientific LLC