Hi Megha!
The easiest way to do this is with an automation script. The start date is easy, because it can be driven off the Next Due Date on the PM. But the target finish date is driven from the duration on the job plan, and since every month is different there is no single job plan that can have the correct amount of hours.
I suppose you could create 13 separate Job plans you could sequence though that would have the correct number of hours in each month, including leap year. A more realistic approach is just to get close, stick to 672 hours, which is 28 days. Close to the end of the month was good enough for us.
I understand what people try to accomplish by this. Maximo doesn't seem to be designed that the work takes the entirety of a month. It was designed to be what you actually estimate the real time would be to get all the wrench turning done. Not, around a blanket of time. Therefore if you want it to act like a blanket of time you need to script in the logic it to do so. Dates can be incredibly touchy subject for some companies, especially the oil and gas industry.
Hope that helps!
Eric Godel
Eric Godel
Bay Systems Consulting
Original Message:
Sent: 10-03-2022 16:50
From: Megha Tatiya
Subject: Set PM Target and Finish Date
Hi Maximo community,
I would like the generated PM's to have the start date and finish date as start date of the month and last date of the month instead of using the JP duration to set those.
Any ideas how can I do it through configuration rather an automation script?
Hoping someone has come across this requirement and has a solution.
Thank you,
Megha Tatiya