Hello Everyone,
We had one requirement where we want to add the one record in 4 different table in dialog.

Object are same for all the 4 tables, we used relationship to show it in different tables in dialog, now what happening is in some case only one records showing in this 4 tables as we have gave specific attributes in those table example DNI-1 Time Frequency we showing 'Time UMO' and 'Time Frequency' attribute and in DNI-1 Meter table we are showing 'Meter' and 'Meter Frequency' attribute.
Now, As the same records are showing in both table while updating values for two fields like 'Time Frequency' and 'Meter Frequency' and saving it I am getting updated by another user issue.

I need to restrict it to save twice so i can not get this error, can someone please suggest.
Thank You in Advance!
Vaibhav Phalle