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 How to ADD attachment to a workorder when the workorder MBO is readonly

  • Customizations
N S Tanmay De's profile image
N S Tanmay De posted 01-09-2025 01:43

Hello Folks,

I have a situation where in we have made the WORKORDER mbo readonly when the status of the workorder is in COMP status, and we have achieved this using Data restrictions in Security groups. But now we have a situation where the user want's to attach a attachment to the COMP workorder but now when the user goes on to attach a attachment to the workorder we get a validation like "ADD action is not allowed as the record is readonly."

I need a solution for this where the user should we able to add a attachment to the workorder even if the workorder mbo is readonly.

Any inputs from your end will be highly regarded, Thanks in advance.

Stephen Hume's profile image
Stephen Hume

I can recommend that you remove the data restriction, and instead make the attributes read only through an automation script or through conditional formatting in application designer.  This would allow the attachments to be added to the workorder, and the fields on the screen would still be read only.  It would be a bit of work to make this configuration change, but in the long run would be less of a problem.