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 Location Classification and Location Attributes

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Stuck User's profile image
Stuck User posted 07-31-2024 14:55

I need help figuring out how to do these (3) things using MxLoader:

  • I need to assign a Classification to 200+ different Locations. (Locations within the Assets application)
  • I need to assign 20+ attribute types to 200+ different Locations. (These attributes are under the Specifications tab of the Location)
  • I need to fill out each attribute with an alphanumeric value.

I am struggling to perform the first step, to query MxLoader so that it returns:

  • Each Location's current Classification.
  • Each Location's Attributes (The attributes under the Specifications tab of the given Location)
  • Each Attribute's alphanumeric value.

Thank you for any help!

Brad Delong's profile image
Brad Delong

I don't use mxLoader, others on my team use that tool.  But I format the data and send it to them to similar requirements every few weeks.

You will need to know the Classification Name and then write a query / report to make this data in Excel.  This will start you off.  We use Oracle but I try to write everything in ANSI standard SQL.  Something like this, replacing X with the SiteID and Y with with OrgID if needed.

Locations and the current Classification:

Select Locations.SiteID,
   Locations.Description LocDesc,
   Classification.Description ClassDesc
From Maximo.Locations Inner Join Maximo.ClassStructure
On Locations.ClassStructureID = ClassStructure.ClassStructureID
   Inner Join Maximo.Classification
   On ClassStructure.ClassificationID = Classification.ClassificationID
Where Locations.SiteID = 'X' and
   Locations.OrgID = 'Y'

Current Spec Values:

Select Locations.SiteID,
   Locations.Description LocDesc,
   Classification.Description ClassDesc,
   AssetAttribute.Description AssetAttridDesc,
From Maximo.Locations Inner Join Maximo.ClassStructure
On Locations.ClassStructureID = ClassStructure.ClassStructureID
   Inner Join Maximo.Classification
   On ClassStructure.ClassificationID = Classification.ClassificationID
      Inner Join Maximo.LocationSpec
      On Locations.SiteID = LocationSpec.SiteID and
         Locations.Location = LocationSpec.Location and
         Locations.ClassStructureID = ClassStructure.ClassStructureID
         Inner Join Maximo.Classification
         On ClassStructure.ClassificationID = Classification.ClassificationID
Where Locations.SiteID = 'X' and
   Locations.OrgID = 'Y'

PS: Not sure why but copying and pasting from this website gives me invalid characters so you might need to send it through something like notepad first.

Stuck User's profile image
Stuck User

Brad, really appreciate the detail you put into your answer.  I am going to see whether I can use this code with another team member.  However, I have never written in ANSI std SQL, so this is new to me.  Additionally, if you think this type of bulk change is intended to be performed by SQL and McLoader isn't meant for this type of change, please let me know. 

If anyone has MxLoader experience with this ask, please feel free to contribute.

Thanks again Brad!

Stuck User's profile image
Stuck User

If anyone else has MxLoader advice on this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!