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 workorder status different between "Quick Reporting" and Work Order Tracking"

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Steven Allen's profile image
Steven Allen posted 07-16-2024 19:05


We have a list of workorder status from the wostatus domain.

When you goto a workorder with Approved status, the list of available status's to change to are different between "Work Order Tracking" (WOTRACK) (less status's to select) and "Quick Reporting" (QUICKREP). What limits the list of status to select between the two applications?

Thank you

Craig Kokay's profile image
Craig Kokay

Hi Steven,

You might be confusing the statuses as they are the same status, it's just that a new record in Quick Reporting starts at INPRG.

Steven Allen's profile image
Steven Allen

Hi Craig, No I meant the list of available status's to change to from Approved is different in Quick Reporting and Workorder Tracking

Craig Kokay's profile image
Craig Kokay

Hi Steven

These are the options from an approved work order in Work Order Tracking

And this is from Quick Reporting

I'm trying to think of why you might be experiencing differences in your Maximo.

1. Security.  Either you have for each app, not allowed per security group the right to use a particular status, or application a condition to the status.

2. Condition statement on the WOSTATUS domain

3. Automation script that dynamically defines what presented to the user.

4. I'm sure there is another way, but that might be present as a result of an industry solution.  I might need to reboot the old brain on that.  BTW this is not talking about flow control as that is a totally different beast.

The concept with the condition is that you only want to present the user that option if it meets the condition i.e. I'm at APPR and I only want to present to the user WPCOND and INPRG, so the condition would be :status = 'APPR', then applied to WPCOND and INPRG.  Now you then have to think this through further becuase you might need the reversed applied i.e. what statuses can I change to from WPCOND.

Ref: MaximoDev - How to restrict allowed status changes for workorders (

Let me know what you find 

Regards, Craig

Principal Consultant, COSOL


Steven Allen's profile image
Steven Allen

Hi Craig, thank you for the response.

I have checked security groups and I am part of the MAXADMIN group which has all options ticked in both "Work Order Tracking" and "Quick Reporting" and the limited status' are still coming up. I did check the WOSTATUS domain and there does appear to be restrictions which I have tried to remove (not sure if this requires a restart), see below:

wostatus domain

I also check automation scripts and doesn't appear to be anything there, thank you

Craig Kokay's profile image
Craig Kokay

Hi Steven,

No, it should not require a restart.  You'll notice that the domain is common and that the conditions are also universal, so neither is specific to an application.

Can you go back to the security application, and for each security group that you belong to and at each of the options for both the quick reporting and work order tracking to do with status change and verify if any have a condition applied?  Remember, security is cumulative.

Let's ask the stupid question of the day.  When you went to change the statues in each application, what status was the work order?  i.e. are they starting at the same status when you choose to change the status.

Can you also validate that the list of status are indeed different by selecting the lookup for the status on the list tab as this will not be affected by business rule that could be applied to the act of changing a status.

Can you supply a screenshot of the differences?

Regards, Craig

Principal Consultant COSOL


Steven Allen's profile image
Steven Allen

Hi Craig,

I checked through security groups and couldn't see any conditions on Change status. I can also confirmed that the dropdown status selection in both wotrack and quickrep are the same in the list view.

See screenshots below. The status of the workorder is approved and you will see the difference in status options between wotrack and quickrep

Craig Kokay's profile image
Craig Kokay

Hi Steven,

Wow, that is interesting and a big difference.  I can see that you should have the Oil and Gas industry solution installed.

Interesting about the statues that are not present.  One to focus on is INPRG.

Can you go into the Organizations (Oil) app and check through the O&G specific options.

Also, please validate that on the list tab of the QR and WOT that the lookup on the status does contain the same values.

I'm also happy to do a screen share

Regards, Craig

Principal Consultant. COSOL
