JSON Mapping Application-Bug.docx
To add to what other have said, in your example the "$SGROUPUSER", is just the name of temporary relationship name and the dollar sign is only a convention that does not have any special meaning. You could use whatever name you want, such as the example below where I have used "TEMPNAME" as the...
When you hit the trashcan icon, you are probably seeing a message: BMXAA1872E - A material issue/return transaction cannot be deleted. You can negate the transaction by creating a new transaction to 'Return' the inventory to the storeroom, or return the material. If ti is a storeroom item, then...
I have a question regarding IBM Maximo and would appreciate your assistance. Specifically, I need to delete a record in the Materials tab under Actuals, which is currently in the Completed status. Could you kindly advise on how I should proceed?
@Sid Ogden reuse it !? would you please give me an example ?
As Matt F mentioned this is a temporary relationship name. If within the automation script you need to reuse the select, you can call this name.
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