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  • 1.  Exchange Rates - Best Practices

    Posted 10 days ago
    Edited by Danny Richardson 10 days ago

    Hello all,

    I was curious to learn any advice for best practices for maintaining Exchange Rates within Maximo.

    For example: 

    1. How often should you update the exchange rate?
    2. Do you delete old rates or leave them for history?
      • I feel like this is most accurate but list will get very long if updating frequently.
    3. Any advice on how to automate updating the exchange rate?

    Thank you,


    Danny Richardson
    Maximo Administrator Manager
    Technimark LLC

  • 2.  RE: Exchange Rates - Best Practices

    Posted 10 days ago

    It depends on the volatility of the currency pair. With a stable currency pair, I've seen it is set on monthly basis. But for a currency that is highly volatile, I've seen it is set daily.

    In the past, I had to develop a custom field in the PO/Invoice object for the user to enter exchange rate manually. It is specified as agreed by the two parties in the contract (e.g. exchange rate will be based on a rate listed by certain bank on the date of invoice etc.)

    Viet Tran
    Relia App Development & Consulting