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  • 1.  MRO: SQL to Change Cost Type in mass - Any potential issues?

    Posted 3 days ago

    Hello MORE Maximo community,

    I am wanting to change the Issue Cost Type for an entire storeroom.  The mass option in the UI is limited to 5,000 records and I have a lot more than that.  So I was thinking I would use SQL in the database to change the Cost Type.

    After an initial test, I do not see any issues, but I was curious if someone with more experience in this area might foresee any potential issues or if this is the way to go for a mass change.

    Thank you in advance,


    Danny Richardson
    Maximo Administrator Manager
    Technimark LLC

  • 2.  RE: MRO: SQL to Change Cost Type in mass - Any potential issues?

    Posted 2 days ago


    You may already be aware of this, but I'll toss this out just in case you aren't.

    I myself am not sure about any issues with using an SQL statement to do this, I'll let someone with more experience weigh in on that, but I have gotten around the 5,000 record limit when doing other things like this by using wildcard combinations, i.e. - 1%, 2%, a%, etc., on the item number filter field to display less than 5,000 records on the screen, and then was able to use the common actions option to make the change that I needed. I would then repeat the process for another filtered set of items.

    It is a little bit more time consuming, but then I didn't have to worry about causing any related issues in Maximo. Just a thought.

    Jim Dutton
    Battle Lumber Company

  • 3.  RE: MRO: SQL to Change Cost Type in mass - Any potential issues?

    Posted 2 days ago

    Hi Danny,

    Jim's advice is good.

    You may also want to look at the fetch limits:

    This allows you to control the limits for the item MBO e.g. allow more than 5,000 records.

    You need to be careful because having too many MBOs in memory can make the system unstable.

    If you do remove the limit then read my article here to understand how to check if there are too many MBOs in memory.

    mark robbins
    IBM Champion 2017-2024 Inclusive
    See my blog on Maximo support related topics here: