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 Crontask, PMWOGEN

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Adam Bearden's profile image
Adam Bearden posted 01-19-2024 10:33
Hi everyone,
When the PMWOGEN cron runs it generates a report we've all have seem more than likely.  Within the report are multiple lines that states, "BMXAA3191E - PM WIKIWIKI-T is not due yet, or it does not fall within the active season."  Depending on how may preventative maintenance items a customer has determines the amount of lines a report they will have.  
The class file is and it generates multiple lines sometimes creating double digit page reports.  

How can I prevent "BMXAA3191E" error from displaying?  Is this possible?



Steven Shull's profile image
Steven Shull

You could try to reduce the amount of the errors by enhancing the SQL where clause to filter out some problems but dates on PMs are too complicated so there's not a great way to do it with SQL. Since the message is built in the cron task, you don't have a way to suppress it there either. It would be a good idea for an enhancement to strip out this particular error message. It would need to be controlled via a system property (since some customers may want to see it if they are trying to troubleshoot why a PM was not generating) but I think avoiding noise in messages is always a good thing. 

You can open an enhancement request here:

Richard Scott's profile image
Richard Scott

Hi, I have the same problem for a client currently. I have added the following idea on the portal, I couldn't find anything already created.

I have a slight work around but its still far from ideal, here are the steps:

  1. Set the mxe.wogen.FormatCronTaskEmail to 1. - This property will add a little order to the output of the log and categorise the messages.
  2. Change the SQL for the WO Generation Where Clause against the org, only consider PMs that have an internal status of ACTIVE, or similar as per client reqs.
  3. Change the NotDueOrNotInSeason message via the DBConfig app, currently its classed as an error, change this to a warning it'll then appear in a different category on the generated log.

The above steps make the output more like this (cut down for readability), the legitimate errors appear at the top of the email:

EXTERNAL - This email is from an external source, please exercise caution when accessing links or files.
Server name: localhost:7001/MXServer
CronTask name and instance: PMWoGenCronTask.PMGEN
Start date and time: 2025-02-04T11:50:48+00:00
PMs with problems
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 2138. BMXAA3186E - The asset or location associated with PM 2138 has a status of FUTURE. Change the status to an Active status to generate work orders.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 2132. BMXAA3186E - The asset or location associated with PM 2132 has a status of FUTURE. Change the status to an Active status to generate work orders.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 2258. BMXAA3186E - The asset or location associated with PM 2258 has a status of FUTURE. Change the status to an Active status to generate work orders.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 2252. BMXAA3186E - The asset or location associated with PM 2252 has a status of FUTURE. Change the status to an Active status to generate work orders.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 2378. BMXAA3186E - The asset or location associated with PM 2378 has a status of FUTURE. Change the status to an Active status to generate work orders.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 2372. BMXAA3186E - The asset or location associated with PM 2372 has a status of FUTURE. Change the status to an Active status to generate work orders.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 2492. BMXAA3186E - The asset or location associated with PM 2492 has a status of FUTURE. Change the status to an Active status to generate work orders.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 2498. BMXAA3186E - The asset or location associated with PM 2498 has a status of FUTURE. Change the status to an Active status to generate work orders.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 2534. BMXAA4512E - The job plan for Job Plan JP1000 cannot be copied. BMXAA4191E - The value TUTAUDIT is not valid for Inspection Form. Specify a valid value for Inspection Form.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 1775. BMXAA3186E - The asset or location associated with PM 1775 has a status of FUTURE. Change the status to an Active status to generate work orders.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 1781. BMXAA4512E - The job plan for Job Plan JP1000 cannot be copied. BMXAA4191E - The value TUTAUDIT is not valid for Inspection Form. Specify a valid value for Inspection Form.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 1889. BMXAA4512E - The job plan for Job Plan JP1000 cannot be copied. BMXAA4191E - The value TUTAUDIT is not valid for Inspection Form. Specify a valid value for Inspection Form.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 1890. BMXAA4512E - The job plan for Job Plan JP1000 cannot be copied. BMXAA4191E - The value TUTAUDIT is not valid for Inspection Form. Specify a valid value for Inspection Form.
BMXAA3212E - Error while generating work order for PM 1971. BMXAA4512E - The job plan for Job Plan JP1000 cannot be copied. BMXAA4191E - The value TUTAUDIT is not valid for Inspection Form. Specify a valid value for Inspection Form.
PMs that generated successfully
BMXAA3191W - PM 2123 is not due yet, or it does not fall within the active season.
BMXAA3191W - PM 2097 is not due yet, or it does not fall within the active season.
BMXAA3191W - PM 2098 is not due yet, or it does not fall within the active season.
BMXAA3191W - PM 2099 is not due yet, or it does not fall within the active season.
BMXAA3191W - PM 2101 is not due yet, or it does not fall within the active season.
BMXAA3191W - PM 2102 is not due yet, or it does not fall within the active season.
BMXAA3191W - PM 2103 is not due yet, or it does not fall within the active season.
BMXAA3191W - PM 2104 is not due yet, or it does not fall within the active season.