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  • 1.  Adding Type Description from DOMAINS to USER Application

    Posted 08-29-2024 11:45

    With the new points system in MAS, I was asked to add the Type Description directly on the page. 

    Currently, it can only be viewed when clicking the magnifying glass and selecting the Type. 

    For Example, we would want it to show:  Value: TYPE 3  Description:  LIMITED USER - 5 APP POINTS

    Since this list comes from the domains application I didn't know if it is possible.

    Thank you in advance,


    Danny Richardson
    Maximo Administrator Manager
    Technimark LLC

  • 2.  RE: Adding Type Description from DOMAINS to USER Application

    Posted 08-29-2024 13:38

    Working on a possible solution. 

    I think part of the issue is that it is a synonym domain.

    So I created a new domain, and a new attribute on the MAXUSER table.  

    This way I can at least create new Types that would have what I needed in the title, like "LIMITED 5 APP".

    Will update if it works.

    Danny Richardson
    Maximo Administrator Manager
    Technimark LLC

  • 3.  RE: Adding Type Description from DOMAINS to USER Application

    Posted 08-30-2024 10:35
    Edited by Travis Herron 08-30-2024 10:40

    It's all about creating Relationships.

    • The MAXUSER table has the TYPE field.
    • The TYPE field has a Domain called USERTYPE (you would go to the Database Configuration application, query for the MAXUSER object, and look through the list of Attributes to find this).
    • The USERTYPE domain is a synonymdomain (you'd go to the Domains application and query for the USERTYPE domain to find this.

    So, you simply need to create a relationship from MAXUSER to SYNONYMDOMAIN that will specifically utilize the USERTYPE domain.


    1. Go to DB Config. Query for the MAXUSER table. Go to the Relationships tab. Create a New Row. Make an entry similar to the one highlighted. (Note: the other two shown in the picture are out of the box Relationships that do something very similar.)
    2. Go to Application Designer. Query for the USER application. Open the design. Drag a textbox control to where you're going to want the Description to be displayed.  Configure the textbox properties as a Readonly input mode and the attribute is <RelationshipNameFromStep1>.DESCRIPTION   -- like this:

    and Save it

    3. Go to the Users application to see the result:

    Travis Herron
    Pensacola Christian College

  • 4.  RE: Adding Type Description from DOMAINS to USER Application

    Posted 09-04-2024 11:36

    Thank you so much @Travis Herron for your help!  The relationship is what I was missing.

    I was curious, why does the ".Description" have to be added after the relationship name?  Where is that coming from?  Thank you

    Danny Richardson
    Maximo Administrator Manager
    Technimark LLC

  • 5.  RE: Adding Type Description from DOMAINS to USER Application

    Posted 09-04-2024 13:02

    Consider it similar to the way that you would refer to a column in a table, TABLE.COLUMN -- it's got the dot in-between.

    So if you were already in the table, you'd just use the field/attribute name; but if you have to get your data from some other table, you'd use the relationshipname to get you to that other table, then a dot, then the field's name.

    And you can keep chaining it.  For (crazy) example, suppose you're looking at an Asset; that Asset has a Location; that Location has a Primary User; that Person has a Display Name.  Now suppose you wanted to have that Display Name shown on your Asset record.  To make that happen, use the DB Config application.  Start at the starting table (object), then filter the Relationships tab for the Child Object you want to move to.  In my example, the starting table is ASSET.  We need to then move to LOCATIONS.  The relationship is LOCATION.

    Then we want to go from the Location to the Primary User.  That's the LOCATIONUSERCUST table.  The relationship is PRIMARYLOCATIONUSERCUST.

    Finally we want to go to that Primary User's Person record.  So we're going from the LOCATIONUSERCUST table to the PERSON child object. That relationship is simply PERSON.

    Once we're there, we need data out of the DISPLAYNAME field.

    So I'd go to my App Designer, open the ASSET form, drag in a textbox control, and for the Attribute, I'd daisy-chain all those -----  LOCATION.PRIMARYLOCATIONUSERCUST.PERSON.DISPLAYNAME

    Travis Herron
    Pensacola Christian College