Hi Shannon,
I have an immediate image about your setup.
a) you're using meters
b) you're using fixed frequency
c) you're not using "Do Not Estimate"
You need to change to using "Do Not Estimate". This means that the PM will only generate when the frequency has been met + any lead you're using.
A train usually runs on 100 km of rail per day and I have a freq = 7,000, meaning every 10 weeks a work order will be generated, regardless of whether the train is running or not. NB: This is after generating the first PM and that you do have an average unit/day of 100km.
Now, by changing to the "Do Not Estimate", you WILL need to ensure that regular meter readings are taken, unlike with that not selected. If the last reading is 6999 at the time that the train goes in for service for the next 6 weeks, it means no PMs will be generated until it goes back into service.
Ah, but now when you take the next meter reading of 7109. the next PM will generate, but wait only say 1 day after it's been in for service, you might be calling it back in for service. Well, that's the scenario you now have to deal will. In Maximo for Transportation, you have the concept of a quick PM in which you can claim the PM as part of doing another work order, or if you have the PM alert field populated, it will pop-up a dialog to say that there is a PM due.
So, each option has impacts on servicing, but at the root, you still need to record new meter readings often enough so that the frequency period is not missed i.e. I have a freq of 1000 and an average/day of 100, meaning (in theory) every 10 days some maintenance is needed. However, a train does not move the same distance every day. Some days it could be 0 other 800. Maximo is good at taking this into account, but choosing one option the average is the only variable and it won't usually move that much, whereas the other, requires at least 1000 units to be consumed meaning the meter reading is the guide.
Oh, yeah there is one more option. The do nothing and let the PM generate, but wait now you have a PM for the train that is in for service. What are my options?
- Do the maintenance now. It's already in for service.
- Schedule the work order for after the service
- Cancel the work order, though this also has its own issue back at the PM.
Now you a lot of options, which are you going to choose?
Craig Kokay
Maximo Practice Manager
ckokay@isw.net.auPhone: +61-411-682-040
Original Message:
Sent: 07-12-2023 11:33
From: Shannon Rotz
Subject: Pause PM count-down if Asset is already in for Repair
- Asset is in for repair for a while (say 6 weeks)
- Asset has a PM that uses the average units per day to determine when the next PM is due
- PM produces a work order because it is assuming that the machine is running, but it's not.
What do you normally do to eliminate this situation?
Shannon Rotz
InComm Solutions Inc.